Back from Akademy 2019 in Milan

The last week I was in Milan with my wife Aiswarya to attend Akademy 2019, the yearly event of the KDE community. Once again it was a great experience, with lots of interesting conferences and productive BoF sessions (“Birds of a Feather”, a common name for a project meeting during a conference).

On Sunday, we presented our talk “GCompris in Kerala, part 2”. First, Aiswarya told some bits of Free-Software history in Kerala, gave examples of how GCompris is used there, and explained her work to localize the new version of GCompris in Malayalam (the language of this Indian state). Then I made a quick report of what happened in GCompris the last 2 years, and talked about the things to come for our next release.

GCompris talk at Akademy 2019

On Monday, I attended the KDE e.V assembly. On a side note, if you are a KDE contributor, you should probably consider joining KDE e.V. as an active member.

On Tuesday morning, we attended the KDE India BoF, where we discussed why the conference didn’t happen for 2 years and how we can make sure it will happen next year.

On Tuesday afternoon, we had the GCompris BoF. We discussed about using the KDE Wiki for our documentation instead of self-hosting our own wiki. We also discussed the state of some translations that need to be updated. On that topic, if your language is not yet supported in the latest version of GCompris, maybe you can help us (you can check the translation status on this page). Also during this session, Aiswarya started working on some new options to adapt the speed in some activities to make them usable for people with cognitive or physical difficulties.

On Wednesday morning, we attended the “Wayland user feedback” BoF. I discussed with the plasma team about the biggest issues for using Krita on Wayland, namely tablet support and color management. The team seemed very interested to fix those, so I’ll try to provide useful feedback to help them.

On Wednesday afternoon, it was the “Day trip” to the Lake Como, a great occasion to relax and have fun with old and new friends in a beautiful place.

Congratulations to the team for organizing a great event, and also big thanks to KDE e.V. for providing travel support.

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LGM 2019 is finished, preparing for 2020

We are back from Saarbrücken where was the Libre Graphics Meeting this year. As usual it was a great event, with plenty of interesting talks and workshops, and full of awesome developers and users of Free Software graphics applications.

I’m not going to make a detailed report as many people already did around the web. However, I must talk about something special this time: our proposal to organize next LGM in our city has been officially approved, so prepare to join us in Rennes for the Libre Graphics Meeting in 2020!

If you want to help us or support this event, you can contact the LGM mailing list, or drop me an email directly.

See you next year!

LGM 2019 group photo
The group photo of this year’s LGM, a great collection of smiles from the best graphics community in the world 😉
photo by Darix, thanks!

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French Krita book – 2nd edition

(Post in french, english version below)

Le mois dernier est sorti la seconde édition de mon livre “Dessin et peinture numérique avec Krita”. Je viens juste de recevoir quelques copies, le moment est donc parfait pour en parler rapidement sur mon blog.

J’avais écrit la première édition pour la version 2.9.11 de Krita, il y a bientôt trois ans. Beaucoup de choses ont changées depuis, j’ai donc mis à jour cette seconde édition pour la version 4.1.1, et ajouté quelques notes supplémentaires concernant de nouvelles fonctions.

Aussi, mon éditeur a de nouveau travaillé sur la mise à jour et l’amélioration de la traduction Française de Krita. Merci encore aux éditions D-Booker pour leur contribution 🙂

Vous pouvez commander ce livre directement sur le site de l’éditeur, au format papier ou numérique.



Last month was released the 2nd edition of my book “Dessin et peinture numérique avec Krita”. I just received a few copies, so now is time to write a little about it.

I wrote the first edition for Krita 2.9.11, almost three years ago. A lot of things have changed, so I updated this second edition for Krita version 4.1.1, and added a few notes about some new features.

Also, my publisher worked again on updating and improving the french translation of Krita. Thanks again to D-Booker edition for their contribution 🙂

You can order this book directly from the publisher website, printed or digital edition.

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Back from Krita Sprint 2018

Yesterday I came back from 3,5 days of Krita Sprint in Deventer. Even if nowadays I have less time for Krita with my work on GCompris, I’m always following what is happening and keep helping where I can, especially on icons, and a few other selected topics. And it’s always very nice to meet my old friends from the team, and the new ones! 🙂

A lot of things were discussed and done, and plans have been set for the next steps.
I was in the discussions for the next fundraiser, the Bugzilla policies, the next release, the resources management rewrite, and defining and ordering the priorities for the unfinished tasks.

I did start a little the french translation for the new manual that is coming soon, mostly porting the existing translation of the FAQ and completing it. Again about the manual I gave a little idea to Wolthera who was looking at reducing the size of png images.. result is almost half smaller, around 60Mo for 1000pages, not bad 😉

I discussed with Valeriy, the new maintainer of kcm-wacomtablet, about some little missing feature I would like to have, and built the git version to test on Mageia 6. Great progress already, and more goodies to come!

As we decided to make layer names in default document templates translatable, we defined a list of translatable keywords to use for layer names in those default templates. The list was made by most artists present there (me, Deevad, Wolthera, Raghukamath and Bollebib).

Also I helped Raghukamath who was fighting with his bluish laptop screen to properly calibrate it on his Linux system, and he was very happy of the result.

Many thanks to Boudewijn and Irina who organised and hosted the sprint in their house, to the Krita Foundation for the accommodation and food, and to KDE e.V. for the travel support that made it possible to gather contributors from many different countries.

You can find more info about this sprint on the Krita website:

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Namaste ! (on the road to Swatantra 2017)

This is a little blog post from India. I’ve been invited to give not one, but two talks at Swatantra 2017, the triennial conference organised by ICFOSS in Thiruvananthapuram (also known by its shorter old name, Trivandrum), Kerala.

I’ll have the pleasure to give a talk about GCompris, and another one about Synfig studio. It’s been a long time since I didn’t talk about the latter, but since Konstantin Dmitriev and the Morevna team were not available, I’ll do my best to represent Synfig there.

(little teaser animation of the event banner, done with Synfig studio)

I’ll also meet some friends from Krita, David Revoy and Raghavendra Kamath, so even if there is no talk dedicated to Krita, it should be well represented.

The event will happen the 20th and 21st of December, and my talks will be on the second day. Until then, I’m spending a week visiting and enjoying the south of India.

You can find more info on the official website of the event: Many thanks again to the nice organization team at ICFOSS for the invitation !

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