Tales of the KDE Network Kerala

Post written by Aiśwarya KK (Aish)

Kerala is a state on the southwest coast of the Indian subcontinent. Those who attended Akademy 2019 may already know or at least have heard the name once because Timothée and I gave a talk on the topic “GCompris in Kerala-Part 2”. This is also where I met Bhavisha and we could make a good connection. (I really miss in-person Akademy 🙁 )
It was Bhavisha who told me about the nice idea of KDE Networks last year. And she motivated me to join one of the meetings. Inspired by the discussions, I contacted Subin, coordinator of the KDE Malayalam translation team (Malayalam is the language of Kerala), to inform him about the program. We decided to start KDE Network Kerala, and he started to add members. We have Sreeram, Kannan and Akhil on board now.

Kerala is a fertile ground for Free/Libre Software. If you want to know a more detailed history, please see the article by Sasi Kumar. Though KDE couldn’t get the momentum it deserves there. Yet, various KDE products are well integrated into the curriculum of public schools, such as GCompris, KolourPaint, KStars etc. Apart from those, Kdenlive is used as a tool in the creative works of school children, Krita is getting famous in universities and Plasma desktop is used by a daily newspaper.

GCompris in Malayalam

Here is the complete list of KDE applications used in public schools of Kerala (some of them are well integrated in the curriculum):

1. GCompris – Class 1 to 4
2. Marble – Class 6
3. KGeography (customized) – Class 5
4. KTouch (customized) – Class 8
5. Kanagaram (customized) – Class 3
6. KolourPaint – Class 7
7. Kalzium – Class 8
8. KLetters (customized)
9. Kdenlive
10. KStars
11. Krita

Public education channel KITE VICTERS teaching how to crop an image using Krita for class 8

Our strategy to reach out to more users and spread the community is through the already famous applications. But we felt that we are not equipped enough to reach out to more people. So in the first half of the year 2021, we decided to fix that. We are making Plasma workspace localization as good and complete as we can. And we decided to do GCompris and Krita tutorials in Malayalam. But our work is not restricted to it. We didn’t miss any occasion where we can talk and spread the news about KDE and its products. You can see some important accomplishments till today here:

• The team has decided to use some Malayalam channels for people in Kerala to contact the KDE Network Kerala team. Links for KDE Malayalam channels are Matrix: #kde-ml:poddery.com and Telegram: https://t.me/kde_ml

• Malayalam and Assamese localization teams have joined hands together; both are on the same server now.

• GCompris was featured during Pehia Annual Summit 2021 conducted by Pehia foundation, a community based non-profit working towards the cause of bridging the gender gap in technology with a primary focus on computer science & programming in Kerala.

• Subin gave a talk on January 22nd 2021 about FOSS at the College of Engineering Trivandrum, where he discussed about KDE too. Thanks to Aniqa and Paul for collecting all the promo documents in one place which we can easily refer to and use.

• Aiswarya and Timothée participated in the ICEFOSS conference to talk about GCompris.

GCompris talk at ICEFOSS 2021

• Public schools in the state of Kerala in India are being equipped to use the Qt version of GCompris. We will officially announce it later when the schools start using it.

• Plasma workspace Malayalam translation is 79% complete.

See you next time!

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GCompris in the Italian PublicCode catalogue

The Italian PublicCode catalogue on Developers Italia is a searchable database of open source software that is either developed by Italian public institutions, or sourced from third parties, that can be used by Italian public insitutions.

Nowadays, Italian public institutions have to revise the catalogue when seeking software to cover their requirements and, only if there is no option that fits their needs in the catalogue, can they seek a proprietary alternative or develop a new one. And if they develop a new one, it needs to be open source and added to the catalogue.

I first learned about the concept at Akademy 2019, with the keynote by Leonardo Favario who presented the project. Recently, some discussions in the KDE community reminded me about it, and I finally decided to try and include GCompris in this catalogue.

In practice it is very simple to do:

– There is a specification for metadata description, called publiccode.yml.
– A project only needs to add a publiccode.yml file at the root of their source repository, and it will be found by the catalogue’s crawler.
– If the file is correct, and contains at least the minimum information required, the software will be added to the catalogue.

Also, the publiccode.yml specification is meant to be international and used by any country. Beside Italy, there are already a few other countries planning to use it.

I see this as a very good achievement, as it can help governments to recognize the relevance of Free and Open Source software for public institutions. Therefore I encourage other projects to support the effort by adding a publiccode.yml file in their source code. That will help promoting all the great solutions we already have in the Free Software ecosystem.

And for other interested KDE projects, please join the conversation on the corresponding Phabricator task, you may find some useful tips.

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Le logiciel éducatif GCompris a 20 ans aujourd’hui

… Et la version 1.0 est là ! GCompris est une suite populaire d’activités éducatives et ludiques pour les enfants de 2 à 10 ans. GCompris est populaire auprès des enseignants, des parents et, surtout, des enfants du monde entier et propose une liste d’activités toujours plus longue — plus de 150 au dernier décompte. GCompris est traduit dans plus de 20 langues et couvre un large éventail de sujets, allant des notions de base de calcul et d’alphabétisation à l’histoire, l’art, la géographie et la technologie. GCompris propose aux enfants de 2 à 10 ans plus de 150 activités éducatives amusantes. La dernière version intègre également une fonction que les enseignants et les parents trouveront rapidement indispensable : GCompris 1.0 permet aux éducateurs de sélectionner le niveau des activités en fonction des compétences de chaque enfant. Par exemple, dans une activité qui permet aux enfants de travailler la notion de quantité, vous pouvez sélectionner les nombres qu’ils doivent apprendre, laissant les nombres plus élevés et plus difficiles pour plus tard. Lors de l’apprentissage de la lecture de l’heure sur un cadran, GCompris vous permet de choisir si l’enfant s’exerce sur des heures entières, des demi-heures, des quarts d’heure, des minutes, etc. Et dans une activité où l’objectif est de calculer une somme d’argent lors de l’achat d’objets par Tux, le pingouin, vous pouvez choisir le montant maximum d’argent avec lequel l’enfant jouera. Les créateurs de GCompris ont conçu les activités en suivant le principe selon lequel “rien ne réussit mieux que le succès” et que les enfants, lorsqu’ils apprennent, doivent être mis au défi, mais sans se sentir dépassés. Ainsi, GCompris félicite, mais ne réprimande pas ; tous les personnages avec lesquels l’enfant interagit sont amicaux et encourageants ; les activités sont colorées, contiennent des voix encourageantes et jouent une musique joyeuse, mais apaisante. La puissance du matériel requis pour faire fonctionner GCompris est limitée et il fonctionnera parfaitement sur des ordinateurs qui ne sont pas récents ou des machines à faible consommation d’énergie, comme le Raspberry Pi. Cela vous évite, ainsi qu’à votre école, d’avoir à investir dans du matériel récent et coûteux, et c’est également un geste écologique, car cela réduit la quantité de déchets technologiques qui sont produits lorsque vous devez renouveler les ordinateurs pour les adapter à des logiciels de plus en plus gourmands en énergie. Ce que nous voulons, chez GCompris, c’est encourager la participation de ceux qui l’utilisent : les professeurs et les parents. Pour ce faire, nous travaillons sur plusieurs projets parallèles à notre logiciel et avons récemment ouvert un forum pour les enseignants et les parents ainsi qu’un salon de discussion où les utilisateurs et les créateurs peuvent discuter en direct les uns avec les autres, suggérer des changements, partager des conseils sur la façon d’utiliser GCompris en classe ou à la maison, et découvrir les prochaines fonctionnalités et activités ajoutées à GCompris. Outre l’augmentation du nombre et de la variété des activités, une fonctionnalité à venir est un tableau de bord complet qui permettra aux enseignants de mieux contrôler la façon dont les élèves interagissent avec le logiciel. Nous travaillons également avec des enseignants et des contributeurs de différents pays pour compiler un “livre de cuisine” de recettes GCompris qui vous aidera à l’utiliser dans différents contextes. Un autre domaine dans lequel nous travaillons avec des contributeurs est celui des traductions : si vous pouvez nous aider à traduire GCompris dans votre langue (avec votre voix), n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Votre aide et vos idées sont les bienvenues. Visitez notre Forum et notre salon de discussion et dites-nous comment vous utilisez GCompris, si vous nous donnez votre accord nous partagerons votre expérience avec le reste du monde. KDE est une communauté de bénévoles qui crée une large gamme de logiciels, comme le bureau Plasma, le programme de peinture Krita, l’éditeur vidéo Kdenlive, la suite éducative GCompris, ainsi que des dizaines d’autres applications et utilitaires de haute qualité. Parmi eux, KDE développe et maintient plusieurs programmes éducatifs pour les enfants et les jeunes adultes. Tous les produits de KDE sont des logiciels libres et gratuits et peuvent être téléchargés, utilisés et partagés sans frais ni limitations.
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LGM 2020 : my experience running an online international conference

Last week was the Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) 2020 online conference. The LGM is normally an occasion for all the contributors of graphics related Free Software to meet physically, and this year we had planned to organize it in our city of Rennes, France. But of course, with the current situation, we were forced to cancel the physical event. We hesitated to make an online event instead, as the biggest interest in this event is to have a physical meeting. We ran a poll to see if there was enough interest for an online event, and the result showed us that there was.

As several people asked me about the technical setup used for the stream, I’m going to explain it here.

I was inspired a lot by the solution used for the Libre Planet conference, which used a jitsi meet instance to receive the stream of remote speakers, and sent it to an icecast server using a GStreamer based script to record the screen.

The first difference is that we decided to ask all the speakers to send a pre-recorded video of their presentation. We felt it was safer to get a good quality source for the talks, as some speakers may not have enough bandwidth on their internet connection for a reliable high-quality live session. And it was also safer to have a good quality recording available to publish the videos after the event.
We kept the jitsi meet live setup only for the Q&A sessions after each talk, where participants could ask their questions on the irc chat channel and get answers from the speakers in the video stream. We also used the same setup for workshops, as it is more interesting to have a live workshop with interactions from participants than a pre-recorded one.

The second difference, is that I used FFMPEG instead of GStreamer for my script to record the screen and send it to the stream server. The reason is that I noticed GStreamer was a bit less reliable depending on the version used; with some GNU/Linux distributions, it was not working at all from the beginning, and with other distributions it was working at first and then a few days later it stopped working, I’m not sure why… So I made some tests hacking a script with FFMPEG, and this one was working in any case. More about it below.

I also could evaluate Big Blue Button at some point, but I was not convinced by it… For some pure slideshow-based presentations it could have been better, but for video and screen sharing I found it less efficient than the other solution… In my tests of BBB, it didn’t provide a way to play a video file (other than using youtube), screen sharing was more resource intensive than with jitsi and it could not share the audio output from the computer (only the microphone input). So I decided to keep the video+jitsi+icecast solution.

About the technical setup, it was like this:

-I was hosted by Le Jardin Moderne, one of our initial local partners, as they have a good internet connection that allowed to safely receive the jitsi meet video while sending the stream to the icecast server.

-I had my computer, with a second screen set to extend my desktop on the right side. The second screen was used as the “live canvas” to record everything that was streamed, while the primary screen was used for everything else (the irc chat, the command line to manage the stream, a web browser to check different things, …)

-Of course we had an icecast server setup (thanks to Brendan Howell for providing it).

-For the script, like I said it was using FFMPEG to grab the screen and the audio output, and to both record it to a file and send it to the icecast server. The next problem was: while using FFMPEG to only send to the server or to a file was working flawlessly, trying to do both at once didn’t work at first.

To send the result to multiple outputs, FFMPEG has a special “tee” output. The problem is that when using the tee output, the option used to set the stream content_type to video/webm (which is needed for the icecast server to know the type of content streamed) was discarded, and it was using the default value audio/mpeg instead, which of course made the result unreadable. Normally, according to the documentation, it should have been possible to pass this option specifically to the icecast output inside the tee output, but it was not working. My quick solution to fix this locally was to just edit the source of FFMPEG to change the default value from audio/mpeg to video/webm (which is set in the file libavformat/icecast.c ), rebuild it, and then everything was working perfectly. Since then, I’ve reported the issue in their bugtracker, and it was indeed a bug as passing the option to the iceacest output should have worked. So, for those who want to use a similar script now, you will have to rebuild FFMPEG, either with the different hardcoded default value (which is fine if you only need to send to a single icecast output), or with the patch found in the bugreport (which allows to send to multiple icecast output with different formats). Hopefully it should be fixed in their next release, and this issue will soon become ancient history.

The script used to record and send the stream to the icecast server looks like this:


DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S)

clementine -p

sleep 5s

ffmpeg -video_size 1920x1080 -thread_queue_size 512 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i :0.0+1920,0 \
-thread_queue_size 512 -f pulse -ac 2 -i jack_out.monitor \
-f webm -cluster_size_limit 2M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -content_type video/webm \
-vf scale=640:-1 \
-acodec libvorbis -aq 4 \
-vcodec libvpx -b:v 1000K -crf 40 -g 150 -deadline good -threads 2 \
-f tee -map 0:v -map 1:a "icecast://source:password@example.url:8000/video.webm|record-video-${DATE}.webm"


I can explain it a bit for those who need some details:

  • DATE=… is used to grab the current date and time to make a sort of unique identifier used in the name of the file output.
  • clementine -p is used to launch the audio player clementine and make it play the current playlist. This was needed as the ffmpeg script was failing to start if there was no audio at all in the output. So, I just created a silent audio file and added it to an empty playlist in clementine, and that did the trick. Of course you can use your favorite audio player instead of clementine. Also, note that this was especially needed here as I’m using the jack audio server, it may not be needed if you use pulseaudio only, or if you grab an input like a microphone which should always send some kind of signal… You can test on your setup if it’s needed or not.
  • sleep 5s before the ffmpeg command gives a 5seconds delay between launching the script and starting the ffmpeg recording and stream, which can be useful especially if you have a single screen and you want to hide your terminal before the recording starts.

Then, the ffmpeg options:

(note for beginners: as the ffmpeg commad has a lot of options, it needs several lines, so every line ends with a \ to continue on the next line)

  • -video_size 1920×1080 -thread_queue_size 512 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i :0.0+1920,0 \

These are the options for the video input. I’m grabbing an area of 1920×1080, at 30 frames per second, with the X video server. With :0.0+1920,0 , I select only the area of the second screen, as the first screen is also 1920 pixels wide. The thread_queue_size 512 option, both on the video and audio input options, is useful to give enough time for the script to synchronize properly both inputs (without it, the script was giving a lot of warnings, and the audio could easily be not properly synchronized with the video).

  • -thread_queue_size 512 -f pulse -ac 2 -i jack_out.monitor \

These are the options for the audio input. Here I’m using the output of pulseaudio called jack_out.monitor, as I am using jack as my main audio server, and pulseaudio is bridged to jack. If you use only pulseaudio, you can replace jack_out.monitor with default, and use pulseaudio graphical interface (pactl) to select the default input to use. Or you can define exactly which input from pulseaudio you want to use (you can list the name of all available input devices with this command: pacmd list-sources | grep -e ‘index:’ -e device.string -e ‘name:’ )

  • -f webm -cluster_size_limit 2M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -content_type video/webm \

These options define the webm format for the output. cluster_size_limit and cluster_time_limit are values specific to adapt the cluster settings for the icecast server, check the ffmpeg documentation for more details. Also, as I said previously, the -content_type option is used to specify the type of content send to the server. However, this option is only useful in this place if there is a single output, else it should be specified inside the tee output (with the patched ffmpeg or the next version of it).

  • -vf scale=640:-1 \

This one scales the video input to a 640 pixels wide output, and -1 for the height means “adapt the height value to keep the original ratio of the input”.

  • -acodec libvorbis -aq 4 \

Select the codec vorbis for the audio, with a quality setting of 4.

  • -vcodec libvpx -b:v 1000K -crf 40 -g 150 -deadline good -threads 2 \

Select the vp8 codec for the video encoding, with a bitrate of 1000K per second, a quality target of 40, a maximum period of 150 frames between two keyframes, the “deadline good” option for the encoding speed, and use 2 threads for it.

  • -f tee -map 0:v -map 1:a “icecast://source:password@example.url:8000/video.webm|record-video-${DATE}.webm”

This is where the output is defined, in the end. Here, I’m using tee to have multiple output. -map 0:v -map 1:a says “use the first input in the command for the video, and the second input for the audio”. Then the two outputs are inside the “”, with | to separate them.

If you use the patched-ffmpeg or next version, you should replace this last line with:

  • -f tee -map 0:v -map 1:a “[content_type=video/webm]icecast://source:password@example.url:8000/video.webm|record-video-${DATE}.webm”

Else if you only need the icecast output, you can replace this line with:

  • icecast://source:password@example.url:8000/video.webm

Or if you only need a file output, replace it with:

  • record-video-${DATE}.webm

And of course for icecast, adapt the source, password, url and mountpoint name according to your icecast configuration.

A final note about the resolution used for the output: in the first place, I was naively hoping I could send a 1920×1080 stream, or even 1280×720. The truth is that my computer could not handle encoding in a stable way at a higher resolution than 640×360 while at the same time receiving a video from jitsi. With a more powerful computer of course, it would have been possible. But in the end, this lower resolution was also good to put less weight on the icecast server (we could stream to 100 people without issues), and it also meant that people could watch the stream even with a relatively low internet connection. And it surely reduced the overall ecological impact of the event. Somehow in this case, less is more. And this low resolution was in practice good enough most of the times, at least as long as we made sure that the content sent was big enough to be scaled down to it (one workshop had some initial issues with it, but after lowering the resolution of the speaker’s screen it was okay, and we learned from that mistake to avoid similar issues in next workshops).

I hope this post will be useful for others to run their online event.

Again, thanks to all the participants, and everyone who helped us make this online event successful. The edited videos are available on youtube and on peertube (upload should be finished tomorrow).

… an improvised group screenshot taken at the end of the last day. If you attended the event but missed the photo, add your face in the empty spot 😉

I hope we will be able to run the physical LGM in Rennes next year!

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GCompris is back on Patreon

In case you missed the news: last month I decided to make the full version of GCompris gratis for all platforms! I hope that this move will make it easier for all the children in the world to get access to the best educational software.

Now in order to support my work on GCompris development, I will rely only on Patreon.

Each month I will publish a News post there to keep patrons informed of the work done. All the patrons will have their name on the donation page of GCompris website, except those who select the “Hidden Cats” tier.

If you like my work and want to support Free Software in education, please consider becoming a patron of GCompris.

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