Krita Training DVD: News 1

The project is on its way. I’ve finished the tutorial plan, the storyboard and character design for the next pages (see the little WIP preview under).
My Krita git build looks stable enough to work, some bugfixes I was waiting have been committed right on time (special thanks to Pentalis), and also some cool new features…

So today I’ve started recording the pages drawing process that I’ll use as base video material for the dvd. This new little story will go on the 20 pages comic-book, along with “Wasted Mutants” story.

We’ll start pre-orders as soon as possible, but in the meantime if you haven’t already you still can help us and support the project with a donation (and then have a special discount on the pre-order, and a personal dedication+drawing on your comics 😉 ) Please Donate at


Posted in Comics, Misc.

One Response to Krita Training DVD: News 1

  1. Silvio Grosso says:

    Hi Animtim,

    Great work indeed 😉

    As for my first donation, I am going to do it at the end of this month ;.-)

    Best regards,
